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last update 20 October 2023
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Pitigliano, Sovana, Sorano and the Etruscan "Via Cava" Roads

The medieval town of Pitigliano is situated on a tufa rock and its origins date back to Etruscan times; it is 50 km far from Frallarenza, about one hour by car.
This village looks the same for centuries: three main streets connected by a dense network of very narrow streets that follow one another, some of which end up on the overhanging cliff where you can easily confuse the houses with the rock below.
Of great interest the two large sections of the Mediceo aqueduct: supported by a pillar and connected to thirteen small arches were built between 1636 and 1639 and are characteristic of the image of Pitigliano.
The Vie Cave, defined as cyclopean works, are a charming artificial roads network carved into the stone by the Etruscans, with high tufa walls up to 30 meters; there are approximately 50 Vie Cave that follow a tortuous path that connects the various settlements and necropolis in between Sorano, Sovana and Pitigliano. Along their suggestive path, in the green of the woods, you will meet many Etruscan tombs that worth visiting.
Small but charming villages of Sovana and Sorano, also of Etruscan origin, deserve a visit.
A few kilometers from the historical center of Sovana there is the Archaeological Park of Sovana. This Etruscan necropolis is not the largest one of the necropolis of neighboring areas, but certainly is a unique example for the variety of tombs that you can find and express the beauty of architecture and Etruscan art.
Around Sorano there is the important rock settlement of Vitozza, about two kilometers from the town of San Quirico. This is the largest and most important of central Italy, with over two hundred caves used for housing since the Middle Ages, some of which were still inhabited in the eighteenth century.
Half hour drive (28 km) far from Pitigliano there is the Terme di Saturnia, a beautiful and enjoyable destination at the end of the day trip.

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Sovana, main square
Sovana, Duomo
Sovana, entrance of the Duomo
Sovana: Ildebranda Tomb
Sovana: Tomb of the Mermaid
Sovana: Tomb of the Winged Demons
Etruscan Cava Road 1
Etruscan Cava Road 2
Etruscan Cava Road 3
Etruscan Cava Road 4
Etruscan Cava Road 5